Nyang'hingi Parish

The Designayed Parish of St. Ambrose of Milan Nyang’hingi is a result of the Parish of St. Augustine Mkolani in the Archdiocese of Mwanza; a parish served by priests of the Augustinian order.
Thank God for granting us grace, blessings, health, and knowledge, allowing the Gospel to continue being preached and spreading in various areas. Likewise, the main structures of the Catholic Church continue to be established in various locations.
Thanks to the priests, religious, and lay workers who have served and are serving in the Mkolani Parish for their ideas and ultimately their efforts to establish faith-based services in the Nyang’hingi area.
Nyang’hingi was established as a community in 1995 in the Mkolani outstation of the Nyegezi Parish, under the leadership of Father Peter Mwanjonde (may he rest in peace). The community leader was St. Benedict of Africa, with approximately 25 households forming the community. Its boundaries extended from the Mkolani center (the minibus station leading to town) along the road that ascends the hill, to the paved road until the bridge heading towards Buhongwa, reaching Nyasubi and the Malimbe boundary near the Laurence Masha hostel.
a. Leaders of the St. Benedict Community Nyang’hingi:
Chairperson – Mathias Bulima (currently residing in the Kitumba Parish, Archdiocese of Mwanza)
Vice Chairperson – Elder Kaparasio Kazimili (may he rest in peace)
Secretary – Isack Mabula John (residing in Bulale Parish)
Assistant Secretary – Anna Michael (may she rest in peace)
Treasurer – Peter Lupeja (may he rest in peace)
Prayer Leader – Paschal Samwel Shunashu (residing in Mkolani Parish)
Later, the St. Clara Community was established after the Sisters of St. Clara moved to Nyang’hingi. This was followed by the St. Monica Community and ultimately other communities existing up to the time of the launch. However, by the time of the launch, the communities named after these saints (namely St. Clara and St. Monica) were in the Mkolani Parish.
b. Number of Catholic believers: The number was approximately 106.
Nyang’hingi was declared a district in 2010 under the management of the Archangels.
a. Land Purchase and Mass Services: In 2017, district leaders collaborated with the lay council leaders of the Mkolani outstation, under the management of Father Hilary Mushi (OSA), to purchase land from Brother Charles Mwiibura for the purpose of building a church building in the Nyang’hingi neighborhood. The land cost Tshs 18,000,000 (eighteen million only).
Mass services were held at least once a month according to the parish pastoral schedule and the requests of the district's believers. Masses took place in the district area (under rented tents for the event) or in the homes of believers.
b. Serving Priests:
Father Edger Ngowi (OSA) (Parish Priest at the start of the district)
Father Benard Mlowe (OSA) (second Parish Priest)
Father Hilary Mushi (OSA) (third Parish Priest)
Father Joel Nziku (OSA)
Father Erastus Mgani (OSA)
Father Athanas Nzengo (OSA)
Father Efrem Festo Msigala (OSA)
Father Xavery Masanja Kasase (OSA)
Other priests within and outside the archdiocese.
c. Number of Catholic believers: The number of believers was approximately 632.
d. District Leadership:
Chairperson – Sabines Masawe
Vice Chairperson – Erasto Mbilinyi
Secretary - Honest Kacharuzi
Assistant Secretary – Christina Chacha
Treasurer – Magreth Masawe followed by Esther Rusendela.
In May 2018, Father Joel Melchior Nziku (OSA) elevated the district of the Archangels – Nyang’hingi to the status of a Special Outstation, naming it “The Special Outstation of St. Ambrose of Milan – Nyang’hingi.”
The Nyang’hingi outstation was officially launched on December 1, 2018, with a holy mass celebration. At that time, there was a zinc-roofed building that was constructed within the days of November 2018. This building was used for mass services and other church-related services. On the launch day of the outstation, a fundraising event was also held to gather funds to start the construction of a better church building.
The zinc-roofed building was completely demolished, and a second phase of construction was initiated to allow for the building of a proper church. This construction occurred in March 2021 and was completed on March 18, 2021.
a. Districts and Communities forming the Outstation: The outstation consisted of three (3) districts and a total of 13 communities as follows:
The district of St. Barnabas the Apostle had the following communities:
Blessed Christina Community
St. Gabriel Community
St. Matthew Community
St. John the Baptist Community
The district of St. Joseph the Worker included the following communities:
St. Andrew the Apostle Community
St. Clara Community
St. Catherine of Siena Community
St. Charles Lwanga Community
The district of St. John Paul II included:
St. Peter Community
St. Scholastica Community
St. Bernard Community
St. Benedict Community
St. Sharbel Community
Increase in communities: In 2018, one (1) community of St. Ambrose of Milan (from the district of St. Barnabas the Apostle) was established. The Nyang’hingi outstation then had a total of 14 communities.
Decrease in communities: In 2021, five (5) communities were split off and returned to the Mkolani Parish, namely the St. Andrew the Apostle Community, St. Clara Community, St. Catherine of Siena Community, St. Charles Lwanga Community, and St. Benedict Community.
The outstation was left with two (02) districts with a total of nine (09) communities.
Further increase in communities: A redistribution of communities took place again, resulting in the establishment of two (02) new communities as follows:
St. Rita of Kashia Community (District of St. John Paul II)
St. Joseph the Worker Community (District of St. John Paul II)
This brought the total number of communities to eleven (11) within two (02) districts.
b. Number of Catholic believers: At the time Nyang’hingi was declared an outstation, the number of Catholic believers was approximately 872.
c. Serving priests and sisters:
Father Joel Nziku (OSA) (Parish Priest during the district period)
Father Serafin Mwageni (OSA) (succeeded Parish Priest)
Father Erastus Mgani (OSA)
Father Cyril Mulupi (OSA)
Father Efrem Festo Msigala (OSA)
Father Motavika Gontado (OSA)
Father Xavery Masanja Kasase (OSA)
Father Edger Mlelwa (OSA)
And many other priests from within and outside the archdiocese.
Sister Plasidia Mashime (Congregation of St. Benedict – Kawekamo)
Sister Gloria Lile (Congregation of St. Benedict – Kawekamo)
d. Lay Council leadership:
Chairperson – Sabines Masawe, Nesphory K. Subira
Vice Chairperson – Wilbert Bujiku, Laurent M. Sabini
Secretary - Honest Kacharuzi
Assistant Secretary – Esther Soko, Agnes Alberto
Treasurer – Noela Magoti, Wilbert Bujiku
Catechists who served:
The following catechists served in the Special Outstation of St. Ambrose of Milan – Nyang’hingi in their respective order:
Catechist Lucy James (served briefly and retired)
Catechist Andrew David Bushi (served later and then went to study)
Catechist Yohana Molla James (served until April 2024)
Existing Apostolic Associations:
Catholic Charismatics
Papal Holy Childhood
Nyang’hingi was officially declared a Special Parish on January 23, 2022, becoming independent from the Mkolani Parish. The supervising priest/Parish Priest was announced as Dr. Gaudence N. Talemwa. He is a priest of the Rulenge Ngara diocese and a lecturer at St. Augustine University (SAUT) – Mwanza.