Magu Parish

This parish is currently led by Father Onesmo Shingelwa, with approximately 10 sub-parishes. Alongside Father Shingelwa, the parish has received services from priests from SAUT and from the Nyegezi seminary. This parish was established from the parish of St. Bernadette Kahangara and was officially inaugurated in 1978. The first parish priest was Father John Soma, a missionary from the Society of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), followed by about three other missionary priests.
The first indigenous priest was Father Hilary Mfungo, who is now deceased. Since then, the parish has been served by approximately 12 priests, including the current one.
This parish is located on the border with the Diocese of Shinyanga and was divided to create another parish, Ihimbili.
The parish has managed to build about 50 business stalls, which contribute to the parish’s income with the aim of reducing the burden on the parishioners and providing a source of income for the parish. They are also in the process of constructing a larger church to accommodate the increasing number of parishioners.
Among those who have served in this parish is His Grace Archbishop Renatus Leonard Nkwande of the Archdiocese of Mwanza, who served as a deacon.