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Our Priests

A priest is one who makes Christ visible

Rev. Fr. Faustine Mabeha

Rev. Fr. Faustine Mabeha

Job title
Further Studies- Zimbabwe

Rev. Fr. Faustine Paschal Mabeha was born on April 16, 1989, in the village of Kanembwa, Ushirombo - Geita. He is the 12th child among twelv... More Details

Rev. Fr. John Ntindi

Rev. Fr. John Ntindi

Job title
Parish Priest- Kolomije Designated Parish

BIRTH: He was born on 05/08/1993 at Biharamulo Hospital in Kagera Region, as the first child among six children of Father Ferdinand Tindi Lu... More Details

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Enos Shija

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Enos Shija

Job title
Assistant Parish Priest (Paroko Msaiadizi)

Rev Fr. Emmanuel Enosy Shija was born on December 10, 1995, in Mabuki village - Misungwi district, Mwanza region, as the 11th child among 12... More Details

Rev. Fr. Alex Maya

Rev. Fr. Alex Maya

Job title
Assitant Parish Priest - Ihago Parish

**BIRTH:** Alex Martine MAYA was born on June 27, 1990, at Magu District Hospital. He is the second child among six children of Father Marti... More Details

Rev. Fr. Felix Ntwale

Rev. Fr. Felix Ntwale

Job title
Assitant Parish Priest - Kiseke Parish

Re. Fr. Felix Kuzenza NTWALE was born on February 5, 1985, in the village of Malya - Kwimba, Mwanza. He is the third child among six childre... More Details

Rev. Fr. Vedastus Martine Machibula

Rev. Fr. Vedastus Martine Machibula

Job title
Further Studies- Spain

Rev. Fr. Vedastus Martine Machibula was born on 13/09/1992 in Ng'hundya village, Kwimba district, Mwanza region, as the 6th child among 8 of... More Details

Catholic dioceses in Tanzania

The Roman Catholic Church in Tanzania is composed of 7 ecclesiastical provinces and 28 suffragan dioceses

Dar Es Salaam Diocese
Moshi Diocese
Singida Diocese
Kondoa Diocese
Arusha Arch Diocese
Same Diocese
Mbulu Diocese
Dar Es Salaam Diocese
Moshi Diocese
Singida Diocese
Kondoa Diocese
Arusha Arch Diocese
Same Diocese
Mbulu Diocese
Dar Es Salaam Diocese
Moshi Diocese
Singida Diocese
Kondoa Diocese
Arusha Arch Diocese