BIRTH: He was born on 05/08/1993 at Biharamulo Hospital in Kagera Region, as the first child among six children of Father Ferdinand Tindi Lung'wecha and Mother Scholastica Misalaba Ilinje.
**CATHOLIC FAITH:** He was baptized on 30/06/2001 at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Buhingo - Archdiocese of Mwanza. The baptism number is 20339 B'. He received his First Communion on 25/12/2005 at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Buhingo. He was confirmed on 28/09/2014 at Kirumba Parish by His Grace Archbishop Yuda Thadeus Ruwa'ichi. The confirmation number is 14214.
**EDUCATION:** He attended Igenge Primary School in Misungwi District, Mwanza, from 2003 and graduated from Standard Seven in 2009. He studied secondary education from Form I to IV at Mbarika Secondary School in Misungwi District, Mwanza, from 2010 to 2013. He completed Forms V and VI at Taqwa Secondary School from 2014 to 2016.
**CALL TO PRIESTHOOD:** In 2016, he joined the formation house of St. John Paul II in Kawekamo - Archdiocese of Mwanza. From 2016 to 2019, he studied Philosophy at St. Augustine Major Seminary in Peramiho, Archdiocese of Songea. From 2019 to 2024, he studied Theology at St. Augustine Major Seminary in Peramiho, Archdiocese of Songea.
On 28/10/2018, he was given the ministry of READING at St. Augustine Major Seminary in Peramiho by His Grace Bishop Emmanuel Mapunda, the retired Bishop of Mbinga (now deceased). On 27/10/2019, he was given the ministry of ALTAR SERVICE at St. Augustine Major Seminary in Peramiho by His Grace Bishop John Ndimbo of the Diocese of Mbinga.
On 06/01/2024, he received the Holy Order of Deacon from His Grace Bishop Liberatus T.K. Sangu of the Diocese of Shinyanga at the Kageye chapel, Kayenze Parish - Archdiocese of Mwanza.
Today, on 27/07/2024, he is receiving the Holy Order of Priesthood at St. Francis of Assisi Mbarika Parish - Archdiocese of Mwanza.
**Parishes where he served as a Frater:**
- July - September 2017: Butimba Parish
- July - September 2018: Nyakahoja Parish
- July - September 2019: Bujora Parish
- March - August 2020: Bujora Parish
- July - September 2021: Nyamanoro Parish
During his pastoral year from July 2022 to September 2023, he served at Kabila Parish.
He expresses deep gratitude to all those who helped him on his journey of education and formation to reach this day as he approaches the Lord's Altar. In this Holy Mass celebration, the Deacon asks us to join him in thanking and praying to God to grant him His divine strength for the ministry he is undertaking.
Rev. Fr. John Ntindi

Job title
Assistant Parish Priest (Paroko Msaidizi)