Rev. Fr. Faustine Paschal Mabeha was born on April 16, 1989, in the village of Kanembwa, Ushirombo - Geita. He is the 12th child among twelve children of Father George Hakili Mabeha and Mother Sabina Byendakabi Mabeha.
He was baptized on July 9, 2004, at the Parish of the Holy Eucharist Kabuhima, Kahama Diocese. The baptism number is 558.
He received his first communion on July 9, 2004, at the Parish of the Holy Eucharist Kabuhima, Kahama Diocese.
He received the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 8, 2016, at the SUMVE Parish in the Archdiocese of Mwanza, by His Grace Archbishop Yuda Thaddei Ruwa'ichi. LC 22840.
1999-2005: Kabuhima Primary School
2006-2009: Runzewe Secondary School, Geita.
2010-2013: Mbeya University of Science and Technology.
2014-2016: He worked at various construction and architectural firms, and later was employed by the Geita District Council as an "Architectural Technician." He worked there for one year before deciding to join the priestly formation.
June 2016 - September 2016: House of Formation of St. John Paul II, Kawekamo.
2016 - 2019: Philosophy studies, St. Anthony of Padua Major Seminary, Ntungamo, Bukoba.
November 29, 2016: Officially vested in a cassock at Ntungamo Seminary by His Grace Desderius Rwoma, the retired Bishop of Bukoba.
2019-2023: Theology studies, St. Karoli Rwanga Major Seminary, Segerea, Dar es Salaam.
July - August 2023: Pastoral Year, House of the Archbishop, Kawekamo.
August 2023: Arrupe Jesuit University - Harare (Zimbabwe).
2017 - Tarazo Parish,
2018 - Kayenze Parish,
2019 - 2021 - Mkolani Parish,
2022 - Mahina Parish.
January 6, 2024, at Kageye (Kayenze Parish) by His Grace Liberatus Sangu, Bishop of Shinyanga.
The deacon invites us to pray with him today as he anticipates receiving the Sacred Order of Priesthood, asking God to grant him steadfastness in his mission. Guided by the words of Apostle Paul, "We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed" (2 Corinthians 4:8-9).
Rev. Fr. Faustine Mabeha

Job title
Assitant Parish Priest (Paroko Msaidizi)