BIRTH: Fr. Francis Mathias Malimi MWANANTUMBA was born on February 22, 1989, in Muda A- Nyanguge Village, Magu Mwanza (Tanzania). He is the fourth child among twelve of Father Mathias Malimi MANINGU and Mother Hellen Manyala KADUTU.

Fr. Francis was baptized on February 5, 2012, at St. Karoli Lwanga Parish - Nyegezi, Mwanza Archdiocese. The baptism number is LB 16220. He received the First Holy Communion on February 5, 2012, at St. Karoli Lwanga Parish - Nyegezi, Mwanza Archdiocese and Sacrament of Confirmation on May 20, 2012, at St. Karoli Lwanga Parish - Nyegezi by His Grace Archbishop Yuda Thaddei Ruwa'ichi with LC 8673.

2000-2006: Muda Primary School
2007-2010: Nyanguge Secondary School, Mwanza.
2011-2013: Nsumba Boys Secondary School.

June 2013 - August 2014: St. John Paul II Formation House, Kawekamo.
2014-2015: St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT)
2015-2018: Philosophy studies at St. Anthony of Padua Major Seminary, Ntungamo Bukoba. On November 29, 2015 he was Officially vested in the cassock, Ntungamo Seminary by His Grace Desderius Rwoma, retired Bishop of Bukoba.

2018-2020: Theology studies at St. Paul the Apostle Major Seminary, Kipalapala - Tabora. January 25, 2020: Ministry of Reader, Kipalapala Seminary by His Grace Philbert Mhasi, Bishop of the Diocese of TUNDURU - Masasi.

2020-2023: Theology studies at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Santa Croce), Rome-Italy. November 1, 2022: Ministry of Altar Service, Basilica of St. Apollinaris, Rome (Italy) by His Grace Andrès Gabriel Ferrada Moreira, Secretary of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life - Rome (Italy).

July-August 2023: Pastoral Year, at the residence of the Archbishop, Kawekamo. August 2023: Arrupe Jesuit University - Harare (Zimbabwe).

MINISTRY: 2014-2015 - Nyegezi Seminary, 2016 - Boys School, Fr. Ramon, 2017 - Archbishop Mayala Girls' School, 2018 - Kiloleli Parish, 2019 & 2020 - Bujora Parish, June/July 2021 - Home for the elderly and sick (Castelo di Godego - Italy), August - Bikila Maria Seminary Wisdom session (Rome), December 2022 - St. John the Evangelist Parish, Bologna Archdiocese (Italy), July - August 2022 - Concesio Parish (Brescia Archdiocese - Italy), June - July 2023 - St. Victor Parish, Mfiadini (Milan Archdiocese - Italy).

ORDINATION: On January 6, 2024 he was ordained deacon at Kageye (Kayenze Parish) by His Grace Liberatus Sangu, Bishop of the Diocese of Shinyanga and on June 29, 2024 he was ordained priest at Nyanguge Parish by Archbishop Renatus Nkwande. He asks God to grant him steadfastness in his ministry (Acts 9:4, Acts 26:18).