Re. Fr. Felix Kuzenza NTWALE was born on February 5, 1985, in the village of Malya - Kwimba, Mwanza. He is the third child among six children of Father Charles Mpina KUZENZA and Mother Leticia Tabu NTWALE.

He was baptized on July 21, 1985, at the Parish of Virgin Mary Queen of Missionaries - Malya, Archdiocese of Mwanza. The baptism number is LB 80 and on December 31, 1995 he received Holy Communion at the Parish of Virgin Mary Queen of the Rosary - Misungwi Mwanza. On September 9, 1999 he received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Parish of Blessed Anwarite Makuburi, Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam, with His Eminence Cardinal Polycarp Pengo.

1993-2000: Misungwi Primary School
2002-2005: Geita Secondary School
2009-2012: Diploma at Mabhughai - Tanga
2013-2014: Employed in the Construction Department, Magu District
2014-2016: St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT)


June - October 2016: Formation House of St. John Paul II, Kawekamo.
2016-2019: Philosophy studies at St. Anthony of Padua Major Seminary, Ntungamo - Bukoba.
November 29, 2016: Officially received the Cassock at Ntungamo Seminary by Most Rev. Desderius Rwoma, retired Bishop of Bukoba.
2019-2023: Theological studies at St. Paul the Apostle Major Seminary, Kipalapala - Tabora.
2021: Ministry of Lector, Kipalapala Seminary with Most Rev. Philbert Mhasi, Bishop of the Diocese of TUNDURU - Masasi. January 25, 2022: Ministry of Altar Service, Kipalapala Seminary with Most Rev. Henry Mchamungu, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam.
July-November 2023: Practical training in the construction of the Tanzania Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) Lot 5, Mwanza under Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC).
From December 2023 to June 2024: Parish of St. Peter Claver Magu.

2017: Parish of Bukumbi,

2018: Parish of Mahina,

2019: Parish of Nyambiti,

2020: Parish of Sumve,

2021: Parish of Sumve,

2022: Parish of Bujora.


January 6, 2024, at Kageye (Kayenze Parish) with Most Rev. Liberatus Sangu, Bishop of Shinyanga.

The deacon invites us to pray with him today as he anticipates receiving the Holy Order of Priesthood, asking God for stability in his ministry. (Luke 1:38, 1 Thessalonians 5:23)